Sunday, January 17, 2010

Downloading AVG Anti-Virus EXPIRE on 2018 FREE

2018? I know this sounds crazy but its true. You can download this Anti-Virus software for free from Peer-To-Peer sharing. Just fallow my instructions. If your not sure what's Peer-to-Peer sharing, it is a process of sharing files, program, music etc.. online. In fact you can download anything that's available on the site not only this Anti-Virus program. If you want more information about Peer-to-Peer sharing do a little research about it. AVG Anti-Virus has everything you need. It scans and penetrate any type of viruses. Has Anti-Spyware, Anti-Root kit, and more.

Here's how to download it for free.

Step 1. Download Utorrent. By doing this go to google and search for Utorrent.
Step 2. Go to and search for AVG Anti Virus
Step 3. Download and fallow the instruction
Step 4. Enjoy!

Pros and Cons About Peer-to-Peer Sharing
-Some files contains Viruses but can be deleted by AVG Anti-Virus
-Sometimes people post scams so you have to be really careful
-Do not download from anonymous user for the reason that they might infect your computer with viruses
-Downloading from top user is a good choice

Note: Search Tune-up Utilities from thepiratebay and download. This software can help you maintain your PC at its best performance.

How to make Photoshop run faster on slawer computer

If your struggle to start up Photoshop in your computer this tutorial is for you. If you don't have problem starting up Photoshop, you can still do this process to make you Photoshop run faster and smoother.

 by Bohed.

Tip 1: Adjust the Performance settings

Choose Performance:
how to make photoshop run faster
As you can see, you have four sections here: Memory Usage, Scratch Disks, History & Cache and GPU Settings. We’ll play around with first three.

Memory Usage

Photoshop uses a lot of your system’s RAM and shares it with the operating system. The amount of RAM usage is adjustable in Photoshop — you can set the limit (maximum amount) that the application uses. Depending on how much RAM you have fitted on your computer, change it to 55-65% (for those of you with up to 2 GB of RAM) and 70-75% (for 4 GB RAM and more).
make photoshop faster
Note: don’t push the slider all the way to the maximum because your system may crash. Use it wisely, leave some for the operating system.

Scratch Disks

In addition to RAM, Photoshop uses Scratch Disks or so-called “virtual RAM”. A scratch disk is hard drive space that is allocated for the program to as virtual RAM use while processing data. If you have more than one hard drive, allowing Photoshop to use the secondary hard drive will dramatically increase its working speed.
how to speed up photoshop
Set as many as you want, don’t worry about the space – it is only temporary and will be wiped once you quit Photoshop.

History & Cache

We are not perfect, right? And we do lots of mistakes while working on a task (I do a lot). Just imagine how would it be if there were no “undo’s”? Fortunately, in Photoshop we can even set the amount of History States (undo’s) but the more you set – the more memory it takes. Because every action is “remembered” in virtual memory thus, it requires more space to keep those steps available for recalling.
By default, History States is set to 20, which, for the slower machines is just too much. Sad, but it really slows down Photoshop, especially when you are working with large images. Set it to 10-15 and it’ll run a lot smoother.
Cache levels are used to improve screen redraw and histogram rendering speed. Choose more Cache levels for larger documents with fewer layers, or fewer Cache levels for smaller documents with many layers. You can choose from 1 to 8 levels.
how to speed up photoshop
Note: all these changes will take effect after you restart Photoshop.

Tip 2: Purge your Clipboard

Here again – RAM issues. Photoshop’s clipboard uses a lot of RAM and if you have copied several large images and pasted it to a new document, it is still in your clipboard. Free up the RAM by purging unnecessary data from your clipboard. To do that, go to Edit->Purge:
speed up photoshop
Note: this action is cannot be undone, so think twice if you don’t need the data in clipboard, history, or undo’s anymore.

Tip 3: Defragment your hard drives

Especially for smaller capacity hard drives, fragmentation is an issue. Use Windows Defragmenter to optimize your hard disks every once in a while. I do it once a month. Go to Start>All Programs>Accessories> System Tools>Disk Defragmenter. Choose the drive to be defragmented and then select the Defragment button.
There are several great alternative defragmenting apps, like the ones Mark covered in his articleFive Free Programs to Defragment your PC; or perhaps 8 Best Defragmenters To Keep Your PC Running Like New; not forgetting 3 Essentials to Keep Windows in Top Shape.

Tip 4: Close unnecessary software

This tip is kind of obvious but sometimes we forget about it and then complain why Photoshop is running so slowly. This is due to applications that are running in the background, using up processing power and RAM. Quit everything except for the applications needed for the task.
These are tweaking tips I use to speed up my Photoshop and they really are useful. If you have more tips on that let the people know, leave them in comments.

10 quick fix to maximize your pc's performace

Your computer running Windows isn’t running in the same speed that it used to run when you first used it. It’s slower, crappy, takes a while to start and tests your patience like anything. There are many reasons for this, let’s try fixing up a few things on your slow Windows PC
                                                                                                                  -Shankar Ganesh

Note: You do not have to do it all. Only do the once that you think is important to fix.
Slow Start Up
There can be a variety of reasons to Windows loading slow during start up. Go to Run, type msconfig and hit enter. Under the ‘Start Up’ tab, uncheck the unwanted programs and press OK. Things should be a bit fine the next time Windows boots.
Another program worth mentioning here is StartUp Delayer which will help in setting after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boots. For instance, you could set your instant messenger program to load 50 seconds after Windows starts up.

Slow Loading Start Menu
If the Start Menu items are loading slowly, you can open the Registry Editor by typing in the Run menu ‘regedit.exe’ and pressing Enter. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Look for MenuShowDelay, and double click to edit the value. The lower the number specified, the faster the Start Menu will load.

Slow Right Click Context Menu
Probably the Windows Right Click menu on your computer is loading slow because too many programs added unwanted entries there. Justdownload this program called Mmm, install it and then modify your context menu to remove unwanted items to speed it up.
'Send To' Menu

Slow Send To Menu
If the Send To menu loads slowly, you can type ’sendto’ in the Run Dialog, and remove unwanted items in the Explorer Window that appears. This should add some speed to it.

Slow Defragmentation
The Windows Defragmenter can’t get any slower. You need to have an alternative to the Windows Defragmenter, and Defraggler is just one of the best ones available in the market. It’s free, and works like a charm and can speed up defragmentation manifold. For some alternatives, see Five Free Programs to Defragment your PC.

Slow loading My Computer Window
my-computer.jpgIf the My Computer Window loads slowly, in the Explorer Window, go to Tools >> Folder Options >> View and uncheck ‘Automatically search for network folders and printers”

Slow loading Add or Remove Programs Applet
This is one of the most annoying piece of programs present in Windows, it takes ages to load if you have a considerable number of programs installed on your computer. You can either use the all-in-one CCleaner for this purpose, or get MyUninstaller that comes as a speedy replacement for Add or Remove Programs.

Slow Ending of Unresponsive Programs
If you’ve clicked on ‘End Task’ if any program is running unresponsive, you might have noticed that the program is not terminated immediately. You can alter this by going to Run >> regedit.exe >> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ and change waittokillservice this value to 1000.

Disable Animations and Appearance Overhauls to maximize performance
If you’re a serious performance junkie, you probably won’t bother about eyecandy. Go to System Properties in the Control Panel. Click ‘Advanced’, then ‘Performance’ and click ‘Adjust for best performance’. This might boost your PC’s performance up a bit.

Additional Tips:
- Always keep your computer clean. Remove Junk and Unnecessary registry entries. Use CCleaner for this purpose, one excellent tool that just does what it says..
- Don’t keep installing software. Install a program only if it really serves you a purpose.
- Keep as less programs as possible running on the System Tray. This essentially means reducing the number of programs that start during Windows start up.